Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Its time my 1st GIVEAWAY !!!

thank you sooo much for my lovely visitors and trully friends ..
Here it is a lovely cute pouch for you! 
made out from imported Linen Cotton




WIN it NOW  !!!

 Just simple to join it:-

1. Be my blog follower @
click 'Like' at my page  Azt Collections .

3. Simply leave a comment  - 
telling me which is your favorite handmade from Azt Collections  &  
don't forget to leave a email address 
(so that I can contact you if you win).


Closing date is extend until 31th May 2012 , 11.59pm.


I'll update  another 2 more gift....so i'll choose 
4 winners



  1. Hai Leen...wow..nampaknya saya orang pertama komen kat sini ...nak cuba nasib hehe... first saya nak komen..memang dari dulu saya suka hasil kreativiti Leen...semuanya saya suka.comel2, cantik2..dan akhirnya saya dh dapat memiliki salah satu drpnya iaitu mini Tote Bag dan key chain..memang kemas dan sangat kreatif Leen ni dan satu lagi harganya murah...saya sangat teruja memilikinya....dan mana tau ada lagi yg akan saya miliki selepas ni hehe....

  2. I most like the diaper bag they are many compartments to use, the design simply best and affordable price. Other bags also unique and pretty best is all handmade with love by Leen

    Follower Sherrygo
    Fb sherry go

  3. Wah.... Bestnya. Nak akak nak join jugak! Akak paling suka yang set baby. Cantik sangat. Yang lain-lain pun suka jugak. Semuanya cantik-cantik belaka.

    ni e-mel akak : aidamisdan@gmail.com

  4. salam leen... nak join jugak... apa paling sha suka?.. semua suka... tp ofekos la messager bag ballerina tuh... heheheee.. good luck leen...teruskan usaha.. caiyork.. :D

  5. Oops forgotten my email : Sherrygo at hotmail dot com

  6. nk join gak!! sume eika ske..tpi pling eika ske buttercup bag..sgt cute!!
    email eika: eka9004@gmail.com

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Ok, saya telah extend closing date until 31 May 2012 & akan menambah 2 lagi hadiah, so total ada 4 hadiah utk di menangi...
    Kepada yang telah sertai GA, tqsm for your support....love u all, mmuah :)

  9. Bismillahirahmanirrahim...
    semoga murah rezeki sha... dah follow blog dan like page leen... komen pun sudah juga... semoga bertambah sukses ya... insya Allah...

  10. oppps... terover exited lupa nak letak email address pulak... norsharniza@yahoo.com
    suka beg yang mana ya... semua pun suka la... sebab comel2... :D

  11. Sehari lps Hari Guru baru jumpa GA ni. Alhamdulillah, tarikh akhir tlh dilanjutkan.

    Dh tgk hasil kerja Leen. Semua sy suka terutama beg2. Tomei2. Hrp2 boleh menang. Kalau menang, mmg hadiah Hari Guru terbaik thn ni.. hehehe...


  12. pengumuman nama pemenang "My 1st Giveaway"
